Emergency Preparedness

 Emergency Preparedness or as I like to call it:  Living the "Ranch" life... is simply living in a way that you are not dependent on having everything in life PERFECT.  

What happens when the power goes out?  
How are you cooking dinner tonight?

You're in the middle of baking and realize your out of flour..... are you required to run to the store just to finish a simple dessert?

I have been blessed during my life to live both in the city with all its amenities and in the country with its vast openness and lack of stores.. I have found so much joy in making life simple!  I love to grow a garden, to can the produce and to make my family comfortable in all types of conditions.  

If this sounds good to you then.......Below are a few basics that can get you started.

*Click on any link below*
Shelf Life

How to in 52

DIY 72 hour kit
DIY- Rotation Shelf

Sprouted Grain Flour - How to and Why

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