Saturday, August 17, 2013

Tip: Living Happy

How does a person stay happy amid the worst situations?

Whether you are thinking of Cory Ten Boom, as a young girl held prisoner in the Nazi Concentration Camp for 10 months, or you are experiencing a loss of health or job.....

I believe GRATITUDE for even the smallest blessings is key to staying positive.

Take a lesson from little ones.... They are always sharing what they're feeling. 

 Happy. Loved. Peaceful.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

DiY- Baby Wipes

DIY Baby Wipes

Make your own Baby Wipes that are healthy and good for your baby's skin!

 Click Here!

 To Purchase doTERRA Essential Oils click Here.  

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Nerve Pain Relief

I live every day with the effects of  nerve damage in my left leg, left foot, left arm, left hand,  left shoulder and my low back. I drop things, stumble and loose balance.  All of this stems from trauma to the body in an accident.

Nerve pain or  Peripheral neuropathy may be damage to a single nerve or it may damage  an entire nerve group.  It may also affect nerves in the whole body.

Nerve Damage for me causes an obnoxious constant pain, sometimes it is like sharp stabbing needles other times a dull numb feeling. Pins and needles. Often sending stabbing, shocking pulses of electric current as it tries to heal!   

The Neurologists have been amazing!  Their years of experience in testing the causes, symptoms and treatment of nerve pain has me feeling very blessed that my accident did not happen 50 years ago or more.....

Common treatment for the pain is prescription pain relievers or anticonvulsants and antidepressants, as well as electrical stimulation and other techniques.

  • Anticonvulsants. The name might sound alarming, but some of these drugs can help people with nerve pain. In fact, they're often considered a first choice. These drugs were originally developed for people with epilepsy to control seizures. It turned out that their effects on the nervous system could also help dull pain. Side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, and nausea.  

  • Antidepressants. Along with anticonvulsants, certain types of antidepressants can be the  first choice for treating neuropathic pain. Nerve pain specialists often recommend two major type.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants have been used for decades. While they're not used to treat  depression as often now, they can play an important role in controlling nerve pain symptoms. Many studies have shown that they can help. These drugs can cause side effects, like dizziness, constipation, blurred vision, and upset stomach. They might not be safe for people with certain conditions, like heart problems.  
  • SNRIs (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) are a newer type of antidepressant that seem to help with nerve pain. In general, these drugs have fewer side effects than tricyclic antidepressants. They might be safer for some, especially older people with heart problems. However, they might not be as effective as tricyclics in tackling nerve pain.
For me I found more relief from the SNRI's.  However I was never totally pain free or symptom free and I had side effects that were affecting other aspects of my life!   After 2+ years on medications and surgeries I was done!  Tired of the disconnected, dizzy and  strange feeling in the head - No More!

Gradually tapering off the medication and with the help of essential oils to deal with the with drawl symptoms....... three months later I am off all medications... no pain killers, muscle relaxers or nerve medications!  

 This by no way means that I am back to my pre-accident self but at least my reality is no longer masked by medication.  

I am blessed to be healing and thankful for the compassion I have gained.