Thursday, December 19, 2013

Fighting Alzheimer's Disease in your 20's-50's

Are you using Benadryl, Tylenol PM or other over the counter medications? 
 You are most likely increasing your chances of Alzheimer's Disease later in your life! 

The UCSF Memory and Aging Center in California reports:

.......medications with anticholinergic activity should be avoided where possible (examples: Benadryl, Cogentin, Tylenol PM, Ditropan). Ask your pharmacist which medications have significant anticholinergic activity......

We use Benadryl for allergies,  Tylenol PM for  pain and sleep management.  But are you really aware that these very products are significantly altering your brain in a way that Alzheimer's Disease will probably be something you will personally deal with?!

Healthy Aging

While physical exercise is the only thing proven to increase the cells in your brain, a healthy lifestyle that incorporates physical exercise, rest, a healthy diet, social connections and a variety of activities that challenge and interest you can all help maintain your health late into your years.

                         Change Your Habits

How to deal with insomnia and allergies naturally? Lets look at what have been used for centuries.  Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint.

           Traditionally, Lemon oil has many uses. It is a powerful antiseptic and can be an effective means to improve circulation.  It is a considered to be an excellent antibacterial agent. This makes it well suited for respiratory infections or inflammation.  Historically, adding a few drops of Lemon oil to warm water with a sweetener has provided relief for many suffering from coughs or sore throats.


Health Concerns
Cold and Flu
Sore Throat
Stomach Ache
Throat Infection

 Lavender is an oil that has been used for millennia and noted for its cleaning and healthful properties.  Through modern scientific testing its time proven properties have been confirmed. 


Health Concerns

Arthritic Pain
Colds and Flus
Skin Disorders
Sleep Disorders
Sore Throat
Stomach Ache


 Peppermint has been used by the Egyptians, Romans, and down through the ages. Many studies have noted the power of Peppermint, even in smaller amounts for stomach problems. Peppermint is often used to improve mental alertness and acuity.


Health Concerns
Motion Sickness
Skin Disorders
Stomach Ache

To read more from UCSF Please visit their site.

Click Here To purchase High Quality Essential Oils.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

"Bummie Cream" for Babies

Natural “Bummie” Cream


Melt 1 cup Coconut oil.
Mix in 1-3 Tablespoon Arrowroot powder.

Allow to cool slightly and add:
2 drops doTERRA Roman Chamomile  Essential Oils.
2 drops doTERRA Melaleuca Essential Oils
2 drops doTERRA Lavender Essential Oils. (Omit for little boys.)

Place in airtight container and use within 2 weeks.  

If you would like a little more Powder feel once it dries on the bum- add a little more Arrowroot powder.

Natural First Aid Cream

First Aid Cream

1oz bee’s wax
1 cup coconut oil

In a double boiler pan and over low heat- melt the bees wax and coconut.

Allow to cool and add the following:
¼ tsp. vitamin E oil
5 drops doTERRA Melaleuca essential oil
5 drops doTERRA Lavender essential oil
2 drops doTERRA Lemon essential oil

Place in airtight container and use on Cuts,
Scrapes, Bites, Stings etc,.

Ease A Cold Discs

Ease -A- Cold Discs

2 1/4 C baking soda
3/4 C water
3 drops doTERRA Peppermint Essential Oil
5 drops doTERRA Melaleuca Essential Oil
24 count mini muffin tin
24 mini muffin paper liners

Mix ingredients together and scoop into muffin tins.  Allow to dry for 24 hours. 
Remove from Pan and store in an airtight container. 

To Use:  Place 1 disc in the soap dish in the shower and sprinkle with water.
Turn the shower on and allow the steam to dissipate the essential oils. 

Disinfecting Spray - doTERRA

Disinfectant Spray

In a stainless steel or glass 8-10oz spray bottle add:
1/4 cup Vinegar (optional)
1 1/2 teaspoons On-Guard Cleaning Concentrate

And just enough water to fill to the base of the neck of the bottle. 
Close bottle and shake to mix.

Using essential oils to create  your own cleaning spray is not only safe on the environment,  but is safe for your family as well. - See more at:
I use this on EVERYTHING!!!!  Stainless steel, granite, stinky shoes, bathroom, and in the car ..... I mean everything..... I LOVE LOVE LOVE this spray! 

DIY - Sugar Scrub

Sugar Scrub 

1/2 - 3/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup olive oil
2 drops doTERRA Essential oil

Here are a few great combinations:  
Peppermint & Rosemary
Wild Orange
Sugar scrubs exfoliate your skin without the use of chemicals. 

How to use:
Wash body and/or face thoroughly before use
Gently massage sugar scrub onto skin
Wash scrub off with warm water
Pat your skin dry

Use this scrub on feet, knees, elbows, and hands or other dry patches of skin.

 Not recommended for face unless you love olive oil.  :)

To find your favorite doTERRA Essential Oils - Click Here.

DIY Epsom Salt Bath Salts

DIY Epsom Salt Bath Salts


3 cups Epsom Salt
5 drops of your favorite
doTERRA Essential oil

Lemongrass - Muscle recovery
Lavender - Peace and relaxation
Wild Orange - Energizing
Clary Sage - Women’s balance
Breathe - Congestion & allergies

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

doTERRA Compensation 101

doTERRA Compensation 101 -  
How to make money with doTERRA

Click Here to Watch the Video
Click Here to Watch the Video

This 18 minute video offers a brief, clear, understanding of the doTERRA compensation plan and income potential. Hosted by Justin Harrison, Presidential Diamond.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Cooking with doTERRA Essential Oils - Preparing your oils

doTERRA Essential Oils are a 
fantastic addition to your kitchen!
I Love my Oils!

Due to the intense strength, purity and potency of doTERRA's Oils they can taste amazing in your favorite meals.  

I love to have my favorites on hand ready to go for any recipe.  

Here is what I do:

I will take a  2 oz Amber Glass Bottle with a dropper and fill it,  just to the base of the neck of the bottle,  with a high quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil. 

Then I add 10-15 drops of doTERRA Essential Oil to the bottle and shake to mix the Oils.  I store these on my counter, away from direct light and heat.  They are ready for use.  

I use them in any recipe to replace the 
herb or seasoning called for.  

General rule of thumb:

1 teaspoon herb/seasoning = 1 dropper of the pre-mixed oil
 1-2 drops of the raw, pure doterra Essential Oil from the bottle.  

This is a great way to use your doTERRA oils without over using them.  

 Some of my favorite oils are:   Basil, Lemon, Wild Orange, Peppermint, Oregano,  Rosemary, Lime and Ginger....

To Buy doTERRA Oils click Here.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Disinfecting Wipes

DIY- Disinfecting Wipes

If  you love Clorox wipes but don't like the harsh and 
dangerous chemicals that they are laden with..... 

You're going to LOVE this!

With just a few simple ingredients you can make 
your own Disinfecting Wipes. 
  I use these on granite, stainless steel, in the bathrooms 
and in the kitchen!


Step 1:  Cut a roll of Paper Towels in half and 
remove the card board center. 

Step 2:  Place the paper towel roll in a plastic container.  I like using one with a screw on lid. I found mine at Dollar Tree.  But any plastic container with a lid will work.

Step 3:  Using a glass measuring cup, pour: 1/2 cup Witch Hazel, 
2 Tablespoons doTERRA's On Guard Cleaning Concentrate 
and 3//4 cup water.  
Mix together well.  
Add 4 drops doTERRA Oregano Essential Oil and 
4 drops doTERRA Lemon 
Essential Oil.  
(Purchase Oregano, Lemon  
Essential Oil and 
On Gurard Cleaning Concentrate Here.)

Step 4: Pour combined liquids over paper towels and allow to soak in.  You may need to rotate the container (with the lid on)  to roll and distribute the entire amount to evenly cover all paper towels.  

Yeah!!!!  You Did IT! 
Now Pat yourself on the back and enjoy them......

I use mine within 3-4 weeks.  I love them and I love the clean smell! But mostly I LOVE that they are safe and I can use them without worry!!!!!!

Are you interested in why Oregano and Lemon Essential Oils
 are good for cleaning....

doTERRA's Oregano is a member of the mint family, and is often called one of nature’s strongest antiseptics.  It is by nature:


DōTerra Lemon Essential Oil is from the botanical family cultivar, grown in Italy and expressed from the peel of the fruit.
It is by nature:

 To learn more about the properties of different Essential Oils and get a free ebook about what they can be used for go to:

The advice shared in this site has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it intended to replace proper medical help. As members offer or look for answers, kindly understand that essential oils work to help to bring the body into balance - thus helping the body's natural defenses to restore homeostasis. Essential oils are not used to "treat" medical problems.

ATLF Surgery

ATLF Reconstruction of My Left Ankle

My Left Ankle was damaged badly in the car accident.  All efforts were made to avoid surgery but failed.  My Neurosurgeon instructed that I must have the foot surgery 
before we were to do my back fusion. 

I am kind of weird in the fact that prior to any surgery I watched videos and read everything I could.
I needed to know what to expect.   I was expecting a challenge in recovery and I GOT one.
This was a VERY long recovery process. 

The surgery consisted of 6 holes drilled into my bones at different angles around my ankle as well as about a 4 inch incision on the outside of my foot/ankle.  

Here is how pub med  describes the process...

Grade III is a complete tear. Severe pain and tenderness, inability to bear weight, 
and significant joint instability are noted.

Post- Op Cast Removal

I was in the cast for a total of 6 weeks.  I was not allowed to bear any weight and could not be on crutches for the fact of surgery on my left shoulder the same day of the ATLF Reconstruction.

Exit hole for the Sub-T donor tendon

Friday, October 4, 2013

Oh how I Love my Grains!

Benefits of Sprouting Grains

Grains,  beans, seeds and nuts  contain an array of vitamins, minerals and fiber.   As good as these foods are for you, whole grains are also a source of antinutrients. 

 Antinutrients are substances that actually prevent your body from fully absorbing the nutrients whole grains contain.

Grains do their best work for you with tender, long and thoughtful cooking.  Grains need to be treated first to release their full array of nutrients to your body.  Soaking, sprouting and souring accomplish this beautifully.  

 Wheat, spelt, oats and barley work well for sprouting.  If you want to sprout oats, purchase untreated oat groats intended specifically for sprouting.

In using sprouted grains for flour, begin dehydrating the grains shortly after the root tip appears.

Sprouted grains should also be dried at a low temperature in a dehydrator. 18-24 hours.

Once dry grind them to a fine flour,  and store it in the freezer until ready to use.

The Benefits of Sprouted Flour:

  • Easier to Digest – Sprouting breaks down the starches in grains into simple sugars so your body can digest them like a vegetable (like a tomato, not a potato).
  • Increased Vitamin C – Sprouting produces vitamin C.
  • Increased Vitamin B – Sprouting increases the vitamin B content (B2, B5, and B6).
  • Increased Carotene – Sprouting increases the carotene up to eight times.
  • Increased Enzymes are actually produced during sprouting.
  • Reduction of Anti-nutrients – Sprouting neutralizes enzyme inhibitors and phytic acid, which is a substance present in the bran of all grains that inhibits absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc.
Shelf-Life for sprouted flours: 6 months in pantry, 10 months in refrigerator, 14 months in freezer.

Thank you for the benefits. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Tip: Living Happy

How does a person stay happy amid the worst situations?

Whether you are thinking of Cory Ten Boom, as a young girl held prisoner in the Nazi Concentration Camp for 10 months, or you are experiencing a loss of health or job.....

I believe GRATITUDE for even the smallest blessings is key to staying positive.

Take a lesson from little ones.... They are always sharing what they're feeling. 

 Happy. Loved. Peaceful.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

DiY- Baby Wipes

DIY Baby Wipes

Make your own Baby Wipes that are healthy and good for your baby's skin!

 Click Here!

 To Purchase doTERRA Essential Oils click Here.  

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Nerve Pain Relief

I live every day with the effects of  nerve damage in my left leg, left foot, left arm, left hand,  left shoulder and my low back. I drop things, stumble and loose balance.  All of this stems from trauma to the body in an accident.

Nerve pain or  Peripheral neuropathy may be damage to a single nerve or it may damage  an entire nerve group.  It may also affect nerves in the whole body.

Nerve Damage for me causes an obnoxious constant pain, sometimes it is like sharp stabbing needles other times a dull numb feeling. Pins and needles. Often sending stabbing, shocking pulses of electric current as it tries to heal!   

The Neurologists have been amazing!  Their years of experience in testing the causes, symptoms and treatment of nerve pain has me feeling very blessed that my accident did not happen 50 years ago or more.....

Common treatment for the pain is prescription pain relievers or anticonvulsants and antidepressants, as well as electrical stimulation and other techniques.

  • Anticonvulsants. The name might sound alarming, but some of these drugs can help people with nerve pain. In fact, they're often considered a first choice. These drugs were originally developed for people with epilepsy to control seizures. It turned out that their effects on the nervous system could also help dull pain. Side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, and nausea.  

  • Antidepressants. Along with anticonvulsants, certain types of antidepressants can be the  first choice for treating neuropathic pain. Nerve pain specialists often recommend two major type.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants have been used for decades. While they're not used to treat  depression as often now, they can play an important role in controlling nerve pain symptoms. Many studies have shown that they can help. These drugs can cause side effects, like dizziness, constipation, blurred vision, and upset stomach. They might not be safe for people with certain conditions, like heart problems.  
  • SNRIs (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) are a newer type of antidepressant that seem to help with nerve pain. In general, these drugs have fewer side effects than tricyclic antidepressants. They might be safer for some, especially older people with heart problems. However, they might not be as effective as tricyclics in tackling nerve pain.
For me I found more relief from the SNRI's.  However I was never totally pain free or symptom free and I had side effects that were affecting other aspects of my life!   After 2+ years on medications and surgeries I was done!  Tired of the disconnected, dizzy and  strange feeling in the head - No More!

Gradually tapering off the medication and with the help of essential oils to deal with the with drawl symptoms....... three months later I am off all medications... no pain killers, muscle relaxers or nerve medications!  

 This by no way means that I am back to my pre-accident self but at least my reality is no longer masked by medication.  

I am blessed to be healing and thankful for the compassion I have gained.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Frankincense and cancer.....

 Oman's Land of Frankincense 
Boswellia sacra

Boswellia sacra produces the highest-quality frankincense.

"The records show that frankincense was produced here as far back as 7,000 BC,"  With a practised flick,  a strip of bark from the trunk of one of the Boswellia sacra trees is cut. Pinpricks of milky-white sap appear on the wood and, very slowly, start to ooze out.

"This is the first cut. But you don't gather this sap,  It releases whatever impurities are in the wood. The farmers return after two or three weeks and make a second, and a third, cut. Then the sap comes out yellow, or bright green, or brown or even black. They take this." 

Frankincense: Could it be a cure for cancer?

BBC News sent their own  Jeremy Howell to visit the country of Oman to ask whether a commodity that was once worth its weight in gold could be reborn as a treatment for cancer.

 Read His story is here.


However Jeremy is not the only one exploring the possibilities held in the  Boswellia sacra tree.  

A study published in BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012 Dec 13  stated after extensive research that:

All fractions of frankincense essential oil from Boswellia sacra are capable of suppressing viability and inducing apoptosis of a panel of human pancreatic cancer cell lines. Potency of essential oil-suppressed tumor cell viability may be associated with the greater abundance of high molecular weight compounds in Fractions III and IV. Although chemical component(s) responsible for tumor cell cytotoxicity remains undefined, crude essential oil prepared from hydrodistillation of Boswellia sacra gum resins might be a useful alternative therapeutic agent for treating patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma, an aggressive cancer with poor prognosis.

I will be posting much more on the possibilities and benefits with medical research on frankincense.

Are you familiar with Geranium.....

Check out this research study on Geranium essential oil:


Geranium is a common ingredient in many skin care products and offers outstanding benefits for soothing skin. Also useful for joint support and tempering minor aches and pains, Geranium’s calming effects make it a popular choice for many essential oil users.

geranium 1EO Spotlight: Geranium

Geranium essential oil has been shown to help menopausal symptoms. Click here to read more. 

**Want to see more research on Geranium and other essential oils, check out

doTERRA's Geranium  Essential Oil  is Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade.... Click Here for more info on how to use  Geranium Oil.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Migraines can be treated naturally

I lived with a migraine for almost 2 years straight after my auto accident.  And really the word lived would be too nice a description......

 Migraines STOP life!  But what are they really....

Migraine headache is caused by vasodilatation (enlargement of blood vessels) that causes the release of chemicals from nerve fibers that coil around the large arteries of the brain. Enlargement of these blood vessels stretches the nerves that coil around them and causes the nerves to release chemicals. The chemicals cause inflammation, pain, and further enlargement of the artery. The increasing enlargement of the arteries magnifies the pain.
     Migraine attacks commonly activate the sympathetic nervous system in the body. The sympathetic nervous system is often thought of as the part of the nervous system that controls primitive responses to stress and pain, the so-called "fight or flight" response, and this activation causes many of the symptoms associated with migraine attacks; for example, the increased sympathetic nervous activity in the intestine causes nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

•    Sympathetic activity also delays emptying of the stomach into the small intestine and thereby prevents oral medications from entering the intestine and being absorbed.
•    The impaired absorption of oral medications is a common reason for the ineffectiveness of medications taken to treat migraine headaches.
•    The increased sympathetic activity also decreases the circulation of blood, and this leads to pallor of the skin as well as cold hands and feet.
•    The increased sympathetic activity also contributes to the sensitivity to light and sound sensitivity as well as blurred vision.

How then can we calm our sympathetic nervous system?

Naturally  Essential Oils can transfer thru the body systemically.

Oils & Blends:  Deep Blue, Frankincense, Lavender, Marjoram, PastTense, Peppermint

Essential oils based products: Life Long Vitality supplements

Also consider: Basil, Birch, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Roman Chamomile, Rosemary, Wintergreen

A protocol that helps me is:

Start as soon as any warning appears. 
  1 - 2 drops of Frankincense on your finger and rub on the roof of your mouth
  Roll PastTense on the back of the neck and the base of the skull
  1 - 2 drops of Deep Blue on the temples and forehead.  Also Deep Blue can be applied to the neck and shoulder region.
  1 - 2 drops DigestZen internally if nauseous.
Repeat every 15 minutes - 2 hours as long as necessary.  Nap if situation allows. 

Start as soon as any warning appears. 

  1 - 2 drops of PastTense on the forehead

  Continue PastTense over the crown of the head through the hair to the neck and shoulders

  Rub into each area

Repeat every 15 minutes - 2 hours as long as necessary.  Nap if situation allows. 

Massage while suffering from a migraine usually is not a pleasant option. Applying the oil or blend as a foot massage may be tolerable. 

Because root cause and personal reactions are so varied it will take personal experience to find the optimum solution for each individual. 

*thanks to for their advice

Thursday, July 18, 2013


dōTERRA® (meaning "Gift of the Earth") essential oils represent the safest, purest essential oils available in the world today. 

Each of dōTERRA's
CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essentials oils is carefully extracted by a global network of skilled growers, distillers, and chemists ensuring a consistently powerful user experience. 

They are 100% pure aromatic extracts and contain no artificial ingredients and are tested to be free of contaminants such as pesticides or other chemical residues.

We welcome your participation in our mission to share the life-enhancing benefits of therapeutic-grade essential oils with the world. 

Your path to a new philosophy of wellness begins by opening a bottle.

Click Here to Discover for yourself.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Summer Splash 2013 Webinar

This is a must see if you want to use basil for more than just a tasty dish!!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Road of Life

Just a thought.

No matter what our upbringing was like-
No matter what abuse we've sustained-
Despite debilitating illness or injury-
What we feel - love - accept - believe and dream dictates our attitude to the road we are currently on......

Women's Hormone Health

What contributes to hormonal imbalances?
  • Sugar and Sugar Substitutes
  • Refined Carbohydrates
  • Trans Fats
  • Caffeine
  • Pesticide-laden Foods
  • Alcohol
  • Dehydration
  • Lack of Sleep........... Keep Reading Here
Thank you doTERRA for all the 
research you do.....

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Make your own Rotation Shelf

Food Storage  Rotation Shelf

Spend Hundreds and Thousands of dollars on expired food each year.....
or you can make your own Rotation Shelf System

For instructions click on photo.

Food Storage Shelf Life

Thanks to BYU and their studies we now have a reliable chart to follow for shelf life of 
life- sustaining food.

 *note - It is critical that this food be packed in  the correct manner to prevent spoilage.

For correct packing information click HERE

72 Hour Kit List

Make your own 72 hour Kit


If you had to flee your house in a matter of minutes would you be ready?


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Food Storage in 52 weeks

Food Storage in 52 Weeks

Do you want to know how to gather your food 
storage needs in just 52 weeks?

Gather a few extra items each trip to the store or you can follow this simple outline of the items that are commonly on sale at certain times of the year.

Click on photos below for page 1 and page 2.

Page 1
Page 2

Food Storage Calculation Sheet

Food Storage Calculation Sheet 

To Download the .pdf click on the photo

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ever Heard of A "Feel Good Meter"?

People have asked me for months... "Why are you moving to Oklahoma?"

Have you ever heard of your "Feel Good Meter"?

I never knew I had one until I stopped in to a quaint quilting shop in Blanchard, Oklahoma. (Only 15 - 20 minutes from Moore Oklahoma with the devastating tornado from this week)

I was blessed by meeting some of the earths sweetest ladies!
In talking with them they showed me the quilts they were working on.

Nothing spared....... These were some of the most beautiful and professionally made quilts I have ever seen. Vibrant colors, precision techniques, quality fabrics and material...

I first was just enamored by the trade and art that quilting is - then I was told the blankets were for the families whose homes were lost and lives devastated in this weeks tornados!

Most loving people's hearts are breaking for those precious souls who's lives will be forever changed by the Moore Tornado.

We would all love to help with everything from - clean up to rebuilding homes and lives.

Some of u may wonder "what can I do about it from where I am"? " I'm too far away or I am not physically or financially able to donate".

As the women explained to me how desperately they wanted to be in the "Zone" to help - but so few people are currently allowed into these areas due to the safety concerns. At least until buildings are bulldozed or inspected and secured.

Women on a mission.

These women said the best and only way they can help today.... is to quilt...

They have sent many quilts already but due to the magnitude of the need, have been told the collection and distribution system is not quite in place.

Without pay or recognition. And donating quilting supplies and countless hours of time- I mentioned to the ladies they were surely securing heavenly blessings for their service .

Amid giggles and smiles came the response:

"I like to help because it raises My Feel Good Meter."

Organizers are working night and day and have a plan of action. The recovery work is moving ahead, people are being comforted and hearts are being loved.

Trust me: When the centers are established and are ready to receive donations.... These sweet silent Heroes from the quilting shop ..... will be ready!!

And this is just one reason why we are moving to small town America in Oklahoma.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Let the Sun Shine

 Sun and Serotonin

As I was in the middle of my surgeries and pain, I realized how important the sun was for me.

I have always loved to be in the heat.  I love to sweet and work hard.  I loved training!

I thought being on my workouts in the morning was the primary reason that I felt so good later in the day, however I have learned it was also due to the vitamin D that my body was soaking in.  

I was seeing first hand what a lack of vitamin D would do to a persons mood.  I was fighting not only the physical pain from the accident but also the lack of serotonin in my brain.  I was beginning to feel very frustrated!

 My doctor told me to stand in the sun with out sunglasses and allow my eyes and body to "soak up the sun" for a minimum of 20 min. twice a day!
Her reason:  Our serotonin  (the chemical responsible for mood elevation in the brain) levels are increased in the presence of the sun.

What a difference! Of course the warmth of the sun felt great but so did the effects of the sun on my brain!

When we are in the middle of an insurmountable event we must remember there are always things we can do to get through it.  

Friday, April 19, 2013

Missed Olympics Vol. 8

2008 Bejing Dissapointment


Despite all the work and failed dreams there were huge lessons learned and love made stronger.

From 2005-2008 I worked more on race walking than anything I had ever done before.  I was obsessive from what I ate to when I slept. My work outs were on average 3-5 hours each day.

A normal work out was spent with hours walking and then time spent with visualization, positive affirmations,  breathing and relaxation techniques, toning, weight training and pilates.

I really loved the self discipline I was gaining.    

Strangely my workouts at altitude in Utah were better than my races, which were closer to sea level and much more humid.   I learned a lot.

I was able to compete at races where my brother, John Nunn was competing, spending precious time with him as adults.

We traveled as a family to most of the races. Scheduling vacations around locations and dates of races I was competing in.    I loved the experience and I learned more about my family in the process.. 

We became “Team Carnagie”! 

Father’s Day of 2008 was my last race of the season and my last chance to qualify for Olympic Trials.  Scott was opening a new restaurant so my sister-in-law, Christy  watched the kids for me. I planned on doing this race on my own.  However, Scott's father,   Nolan, surprised me and was there to support and cheer me on.

Despite all the family support, Scott's encouragement and the miles and miles walked,  I was unsuccessful.   I had done everything I could to qualify for Olympic Trials. 

Beaten down mentally, I was ready for some rest and much needed physical recovery.

After some time off.   I began running.  I thought that if I had a different athletic focus it would recharge me.   

The goal:  a marathon.  However because running and race walking are so different, I realized the running was not good for my joints

After 6 months I stopped the running and returned to race walking with cycling as my cross training.  I guess you could say running is not for me.   I am a race walker through and through.

 2009 was a year we would not want to live again but are thankful for the memories made and hugs shared.  We lost several loved ones. Six(6) members of our family passed away within one years time.  We took the year to spend time with  family and friends. 

Scott's father, Nolan was one of those who left this earth. He will be forever missed.

Missed Olympics Vol.7

Mile after Mile

Scott, Mariah, Russell and Laura - Disneyland '05

 Family Support is Everything

Scott knew I was serious about wanting to do everything possible to fulfill my goal of competing in the Olympics. 

He is the voice of reason and helped me put into perspective what would be required.  We discussed each aspect of how it would happen and how it might effect the family. 

Scott said he would support and encourage me but we needed to be realistic.  He knows me so well.....   Without a coach he said it might be rather difficult but he had seen so many changes in me that he knew I was serious and determined. 

I knew all things would come into place at the right time. 

Within a few weeks (under 11) I was walking about 5-6 miles a day, lifting weights and I now weighed about 113 pounds (total weight loss 27 pounds).

I had learned how to eat correctly, hydrate and rest.   I learned to listen to my body. I had more energy and enthusiasm than I had felt in many years.

I called my brother, John,  and shared by goal with him.  He said he would talk with his coach to see if he would be willing to help me as well.  
John Nunn & Laura Carngie (Brother and Sister)

Coach Enrique Pena said he was willing but the distance between Utah and California would create difficulties.

Our Plan:  Coach would email me my workouts and I would email him my times and reports.   I made several trips to California and I worked with him in person.

I was excited.  I was greatly thankful for the support I was blessed with.  Family and friends began to encourage and support me.  

I loved what I was doing.  I was very disciplined.  I had a strict schedule and I stuck to it.  

Salt Lake, 2006

I spent 2 - 3  hours a day completing my physical workouts.  On occasion I would video my workouts and compare them to the world's best athlete's.  I made notes, worked on drills and spent an additional hour each day on visualizing and mental training.  Twice a day I would repeat my personal positive affirmations.

Some of my favorite work outs were the speed days when I would listen to the Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack and push my self as hard as I physically could to increase turn over of the  rotation of my hips and to lengthen my stride length. 

Amazing feelings happen when you are on a very long workout.  In reality it is your mind against your body.  I was forced to experience so many emotions and physical feelings.  There were countless times when I felt  physically spent, ready to quit. 

I was  able to "erase" one element of my physical existence at a time.  Leaving me with only my mental faculties to control my body, instead of allowing my body to control my mind.   I was more focused.   

Scott, Russell and Mariah were willing to combine my races with some of our family vacations.
California, Florida, Nevada.... I was always blessed to have them by my side cheering me on and sometimes even as my aid support.

Russell and Mariah - Great Support!

I found I enjoyed my time with my family even more because I was gaining a clear mind.  I relished  each moment with them.  This time felt inclusive of love, acceptance and mutual appreciation, instead of feeling all of my existence muddled up and crammed into one singular act.  I truly felt I was on a divine path.