DIY- Disinfecting Wipes
If you love Clorox wipes but don't like the harsh and
dangerous chemicals that they are laden with.....
You're going to LOVE this!
With just a few simple ingredients you can make
your own Disinfecting Wipes.
I use these on granite, stainless steel, in the bathrooms
and in the kitchen!
Step 1: Cut a roll of Paper Towels in half and
remove the card board center.
Step 2: Place the paper towel roll in a plastic container. I like using one with a screw on lid. I found mine at Dollar Tree. But any plastic container with a lid will work.
Step 3: Using a glass measuring cup, pour: 1/2 cup Witch Hazel,
2 Tablespoons doTERRA's On Guard Cleaning Concentrate
and 3//4 cup water.
Mix together well.
Essential Oil.
(Purchase Oregano, Lemon
Essential Oil and
On Gurard Cleaning Concentrate Here.)
Step 4: Pour combined liquids over paper towels and allow to soak in. You may need to rotate the container (with the lid on) to roll and distribute the entire amount to evenly cover all paper towels.
Yeah!!!! You Did IT!
Now Pat yourself on the back and enjoy them......
I use mine within 3-4 weeks. I love them and I love the clean smell! But mostly I LOVE that they are safe and I can use them without worry!!!!!!
Are you interested in why Oregano and Lemon Essential Oils
are good for cleaning....
doTERRA's Oregano is a member of the mint family, and is often called
one of nature’s strongest antiseptics. It is by nature:
Lemon Essential Oil is from the botanical family cultivar,
grown in Italy and expressed from the peel of the fruit.
It is by nature:
To learn more about the properties of different Essential Oils and get a free ebook about what they can be used for go to:
The advice shared in this site has not been
evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease,
nor is it intended to replace proper medical help. As
members offer or look for answers, kindly understand that essential oils
work to help to bring the body into balance - thus helping the body's
natural defenses to restore homeostasis. Essential oils are not
used to "treat" medical problems.